Margin requirements e ure the performance of both parties to a futures contract. 保证金要求是期货合约双方履约的保证。
A labor dispute arbitration commission at the place of performance of a labor contract or at the place of residence of an employer shall have jurisdiction of a labor dispute. 劳动争议由劳动合同履行地或者用人单位所在地的劳动争议仲裁委员会管辖。
On the Principle of Strict Compliance of Warranty in the Regime of Marine Insurance Law; Margin requirements e ure the performance of both parties to a futures contract. 论海上保险法中保证的严格履行原则保证金要求是期货合约双方履约的保证。
In order to guarantee the performance of the contract and its appendices, both Party A and Party B shall provide each other the bank guarantees for the performance of the contract. 为保证本合同及其附件的履行,甲乙各方应相互提供履行的××担保。
There shall be no specific performance remedy available for a breach by the gestational surrogate of a gestational surrogacy contract term that requires her to be impregnated. 代孕妈妈违反妊娠代孕合约要求其受孕的条款后,无法采取特定的补救措施。
Under Germen legal system, conditions precedent is a special requirement for a juristic act to take effect, while according to French Code Civil, it is only a requirement for the performance of a contract. 在德国法下,停止条件是法律行为生效的特别要件;而根据法国法,它是债权合同履行的条件。
If a dispute arising from the performance of a collective contract and yet the parties concerned fail to settle it through consultation, they may apply for arbitration with the labour disputes arbitration committee. 因履行集体合同发生争议,当事人协商解决不成的,可以向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁;
So trust-benefits are different from returned interests of unjustified enrichment and performance interests of a valid contract. 因此,信赖利益不同于不当得利之返还利益与合同有效之履行利益。
Construction surety bonds is an effective credit instrument to guarantee the performance of a construction contract in the international project risk management and it's also a common approach in the international building at the same time. 工程保证担保是国际上工程风险管理以及有效地保障建设工程合同履行的一种有效的信用工具,同时,也是国际建筑业的一种通行做法。
While applying jus cogens, arbitrators are mainly concerned with delineating substantial law, determining the place of performance of a contract and the place of arbitration, choosing and interpreting the respective jus cogens. 在适用强行法方面,仲裁员的主要作用在于界定实体法,确定合同履行地及仲裁裁决实施地,甄别、解释有关的强行性法律。
Construction bond is an important credit instrument to guarantee the performance of a construction contract. 工程担保是国际上保障工程建设承发包合同履行的一种重要的信用工具。
The suretyship is a form of guaranty, in which the performance of a contract ( principal obligation) is guaranted by entering into a suretyship contract on the surety's general property. 保证是以保证人的一般财产而设定的、用一个合同去担保另一个合同(主债务)的履行之担保方式,有一定的独立性。
In contrast, an incidental beneficiary benefits from the performance of a contract, but the conferring of this benefit was not intended by the contracting parties. An incidental beneficiary cannot sue on the contract. 附带受益人也得益于合同的履行,但是,合同当事人本意不是要给受益人利益,这种附带受益人无权就合同起诉。
The performance of contract is both centralized reflection of effectiveness of contract and a main reason of termination of contract. Moreover, perspicuity of legal requirements for performance of contract is a precondition to determine breach of contract and furthermore to determine liabilities for breach of contract. 合同的履行既是合同效力的集中体现,也是合同消灭的主要原因,而且,明晰合同履行的法律要求,是认定违约进而确定违约责任的前提条件。
This paper mainly discusses our country behavior ability of judgment standard, Italy set full-time guardian establish and build meaning constant monitoring contract registration mechanism and how to perfect the supervision system for the performance of a contract. 主要探讨我国行为能力的判断标准、意定专职监护人建立、建立意定监护合同的登记机制以及如何完善合同履行的监督机制。
Nowadays, many problems exist in Chinese construction market, such as bad quality and nonpayment, which obviously related with bad performance of contract. Construction contract guarantee is an important credit instrument to guarantee the performance of a construction contract. 中国建筑领域存在的许多问题,如工程质量问题、工程款拖欠问题等,都与承发包合同履行不良有着密切关系,工程保证担保是国际上保障建设工程承发包合同履行的一种信用工具。
This part mainly discusses the cooperative development of real estate contract responsibility for the performance of a contract and several typical legal issue, for the content of the last chapter. 本部分内容重点探讨了合作开发房地产合同合同履行的责任以及若干典型的法律问题,为最后一章的内容作铺垫。
In trade activities, the performance of a contract is especially important, but sometimes it is unavoidable that one party might fail to fulfill the contract. 在贸易活动中,履行合同尤为重要,但出现误差也在所难免。
Even in domestic law it has been difficult to provide coherent answers to the problems that arise when unexpected difficulties prevent the performance of a contract. 即使在国内法体系中,当意想不到的障碍阻止了合同履行时,很难提供一致的答案来解决此时出现的问题。
Based on the two-dimensional structure of the psychological and employee performance of three factors to establish a model of psychological contract of the variable, found that the relationship in psychological contract and performance relationship and influencing factors, does not make its own proposals and prospects. 以心理契约的二维结构为基础,并以员工绩效的三个因素为变量建立心理契约模型,发现心理契约和绩效的关系和影响因素,并提出自己的建议和展望。
Injuring performance is considered to be "the method learn top of great detection", it is chaperonage modern society a limit problem of the method and infringement method of the contract of system extend but emergence of the contract responsibility. 加害给付理论被喻为法学上的伟大发现,它是伴随现代社会合同责任体系扩张而出现的合同法与侵权法的一个边际问题。